The Utter Importance of a Quickie Dinner


Tofu and Brown Rice Stir Fry Dinner As some of you may know, and as an answer to why I am the least consistent blogger in the blogosphere these days, I'm currently training to be a SoulCycle instructor.  The program is long and rigorous and I've been loving every second of it despite how overwhelmingly busy my life has been.  On top of commuting into the city for training, long hours in the studio, extra hours riding in classes, we are also currently homeless (read: living with my in laws til our new house is ready for us), Richie's grandfather passed away, his brother had a baby, and and and...  It's been a crazy summer.  One I feel like I've missed so much of.  More new beginnings than I can count!

Maintaining the routine we once so smoothly danced through is legitimately impossible.  We're mostly grasping at straws to keep up appearances of any sort of semblance.  So, on those rare occasions when I actually get home early enough (and with enough energy) to cook a dinner, it better be a quick one and nutrient dense packed with protein!  I've mastered a few new quickie recipes (since Richie is always complaining about how he misses my clean cooking) and a few goodies for on the road too (packing a lunch and snack for training and before and after rides is integral to keeping me sane).  I'll do my best to post them all, but for today, here is a superhealthy favorite around here that (assuming I get the rice going while I shower) takes only 10-15 minutes from prep to table:


a few handfuls of chopped kale

Wildwood (organic, sprouted, non-GMO of course) Tofu, I like the Garlic Teriyaki Smoked the best, but they're all pretty good

Whatever veggies you have around and sound good!  This time I used: Shitake mushrooms, Edamame, Onion (I used red here, but whatever you have around works), Cabbage (I used red here too, but either are fantastic), Broccoli, Garlic

Toasted Sesame Oil

Shoyu (or tamari)


Avocado, cut into large bites

Prepared Brown Rice


-In a large cast iron pan or wok, heat the oil.

-Once hot add the garlic, mushrooms, cabbage, and onion and saute until soft.

-Once the veggies are cooked add the edamame and broccoli.  Basically what you are doing is sauteing the veggies that need sauteeing and then steaming the rest, so...

-Add about 2 tablespoons of mirin, 1-2 tablespoons of shoyu (depending on how much salt you like), and 1 tablespoon of water, stir then cover.

-Cook until the broccoli looks bright green (you do not want to overcook it!).

-Add the tofu and cook just until it's all hot.

-Plate the brown rice and then sprinkle it with gomasio.  Then pile the veggies and tofu on top.


(You can garnish it with kelp or dulse shake and/or braggs)