Rosh Hashana Reflection
Today is the first day of Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year). While I am not a religious person, I do find value and solace in the traditions and history of my faith. To me, Rosh Hashana is a time of reflection, repentance, and renewal. It is a time to think about my life and myself. I take the time to contemplate how I feel about where I am in life, where I'd like to be, and where I've been. I really reflect on my year and figure out what I'm proud of and what I'd like to work on in the next. It's really important to be present in our lives and I feel as if too often I am just getting through the days. It's nice to sit down and meditate a bit on how I spend my time and where I find meaning. It makes me appreciate more who I am and the person I'm trying to be.
This year I must say that I'm really proud of myself for all the learning and growth that I've done. I feel like this vegan path I've chosen has taken me through a journey. I've had a year of exploration and education that's led me to be a more engaged, responsible, and knowledgeable person.
Veganism has not only led me to feeling healthy and vibrant, but also to awareness about our environment and animal cruelty. I feel like I'm participating in a community of people who are active and forward thinking. I've learned real compassion and I feel motivated and enlivened. I feel like I'm part of something exciting!
While no year is all good, I think this past year was one of my best. I look forward to what the next will bring me and want to send a bit of peace and love to you all to take with you into your new years.
From our little family to yours, Happy New Year!