Pregnancy 38 Weeks
- Mirrors are not my friends! Sometimes I'll pass a mirror and get a sideways glance at myself and I'll need to do a double take. Like: serious?!? Is that really what I look like?!? Crazy.
- Symptoms are all getting more severe, but no major contractions yet.
- Congestion is killing me, so I sleep propped up with a humidifier as close to my face as I can get it. Ha!
- Braxton hicks are getting pretty serious though.
- That and the pressure this baby is putting on my bottom half is insane!
- Risa says I'm 1.5cm dilated, 85% effaced, cervix right up front, and ready to rock. We shall see...
- Apparently the baby is almost 7 lbs this week (according to baby center, not any ultrasound cause I haven't done any since the anatomy scan and don't plan to), over 19.5", and a leek.
- Send me labor love! I'm seriously needing it.