Pregnancy 37 Weeks
- Ok, so I'm officially full term! Full term and worn out. We've been running around like crazy. It's been fun and exhausting a bit. I have this pending feeling like I need to get so much done and see everyone I can squeeze in and do as many fun things with Avi as I can before this baby comes and slows us down seriously.
- Same symptoms as before, just more weight to carry. This belly is low and heavy!
- Risa checked me on Wednesday at my prenatal and apparently I've progressed (though not significantly cause she wanted me to hold this baby in for as long as I can). I'm 1cm dilated, 85% effaced, and at a 0 station. Oh and my cervix has moved forward (a good thing as far as progression goes I guess).
- Baby is 6 and 1/3 lbs, over 19", as long as a stalk of swiss chard (one of my superfave leafy greens)