Pregnancy 31 Weeks


  • I'm officially ready for this baby to get here!
  • The damage she's doing to my body is not only scary it's getting painful.  Aches everywhere and then there are the more than occasional sharp pains.  Yay.
  • On the upside, I've been sleeping like the dead (I think the daily exercise walks and light weights have been contributing) and Richie's been awesome about letting me sleep in.  I slept 'til 9a this morning!  (Avi slept 'til 9:15).
  • My boobs are huge (well huge for me, we're talking c's at best) and totally juicy.  Crazy!
  • I ordered some new compression hose I'm superpsyched to get next week from Rejuvahealth.  They look like they could actually be cute.  Fingers crossed!  The ones I'm wearing on a daily basis at this point are borderline hideous though Richie swears they're "hot" (it's just the black, thigh high thing).  Nonetheless I'm thoroughly embarrassed in them!
  • This week the babe's over 16" and 3.3lbs (they say 4 navel oranges...not sure how she can be 4 things at once, but...ha!).