Holistic Health Counseling Site Up!
Sorry it's been so damn quiet around here recently. I've been a bit overwhelmed with my to do list. I seem to keep knocking things off, yet somehow it's growing at a rate that feels exponential. I have to admit, I bring it on myself (nesting has kicked in and I've been reorganizing all our closets among other things), nonetheless, everything'll get done in good time!
That said I haven't done any real cooking this week (which makes me a little sad) and haven't had much time to write, so I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to introduce you all to my new holistic health counseling site!!! I mentioned a while back (here) about my nutrition schooling and I've been working at getting my site up and running and it finally is!
Check it out: http://eve-kessner.healthcoach.integrativenutrition.com/ and let me know what you think. I'd love any feedback and if any of you are interested in chatting about your health or diet or lifestyle stuff, I see some clients over skype too (assuming you're not in the New York area)!
I'm also working on getting a vitamin shop up and running online through a program designed by the supersmart Mark Hyman M.D.. I'll let you know when that's up and running and would be happy to make recommendations for those of you interested.
Meanwhile, stay heathy, eat your greens, grains, and beans;)