Ground Zero (Just Over 2 Weeks Pregnant)
So there it is. I'm pregnant! Just barely, but still. Last friday I peed on a stick and it came out positive. So yay! Here we go. Down the long road of pregnancy.
Now I know that most people don't spill the beans on their pregnancies until after the first 3 months seeing as the first trimester is just so delicate, but I wanted to take this opportunity to share all the ups and downs with all of you from day one.
When I was pregnant with Avital, I couldn't help but feel like so much came as a shock to me. There is just so much that people don't talk about and I'm one of those people who'd rather go into any situation fully in the know. To that end, I talked my face off, read every book I could get my hand on, and called Risa (my amazing aunt/midwife) all together too many times.
This time, I'd like to put it all out there to share with all of you. No holds barred here! I'll talk about all that's good and bad and that which is in between. I'll take a picture each week to track my growth (ahhh), no airbrushing, photoshopping, i'll give you all the gory details!
And I'd love to hear from any of you about your experiences, fears, dreams...
This week I'm feeling super tired and short of breath (which is what drove me to take a pregnancy test). I totally forgot how tiring the first trimester can be (I've been falling asleep with Avi when I go to put her down for a nap time). Other than that, I'm feeling really good and so excited. Though I don't have too much time to think about the pregnancy between changing Avi's diapers and running after her with sunscreen, I have had the luxury of dreaming about a supersoft little munchkin to cuddle and coo at. I can't believe Avital is going to be a BIG SISTER!
At Risa's nudging, I've been drinking tons of Organic Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, taking my vegetarian prenatal vitamins (always make sure your vitamins are vegetarian) on top of my D3, B12, and Flax Oil as usual, and am doing my best to keep protein snacks on me (peanut butter anything is doing the trick right now) to ward off nausea.