Eco Gift Guide


Hey everyone, Moving on from yesterday, I thought I'd share a little gift guide of goodies.  I think I need a little holiday spirit in my life.  These are all both earth and holiday friendly!

I love buying the people I love special gifts to show them how much I appreciate having them in my lives.

Here are some good picks:

This gift guide is great for helping find someone a perfect earth friendly gift.1. Mittens from recycled materials to bring us peace and family love $20

2. Priti Holiday Kit Nail Polish Set $75

3. Pendleton Eco-Wise Wool Throw $98

4. Maggie's Organic Cotton Striped Tights $26

5. EO Bath Bubbles and Salts apx. $20

6. Alternative Apparel Eco-Fleece Gym Pant $50

7. Fashion and Earth Bamboo and Organic Cotton Scarf $16

8. MacBook Air $999

Happy Holidays.