Collard Greens, Raisins, Potatoes, Soybeans, and more
Last night I was in the mood to cook, but not necessarily to think. It's rare that I follow a recipe from a cookbook. More often I just use them for inspiration (which is why I insist on my cookbooks having good pictures). That said, last night was a whole nother story. I wanted a home cooked, fresh, summer dinner, and the cathartic practice of cooking, but not the thought process that goes into it. So I pulled out my The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone and made a couple of her recipes (and another of my own).
I made some Collard Greens with Raisins and Pine Nuts, Warm Potato and Soybean Salad (both her recipes), and some brown rice with tomatoes and lemon vinaigrette (though I substituted the avocado for some sprouted tofu which was delicious). The dressing for the potatoes was sweet with a punch and totally delicious made with some brown rice syrup, miso, umeboshi vinegar, and a few other things and the greens add a splash of balsamic at the end which give them a little punch too and a depth of sweetness. Yum! The whole dinner was light and a perfect dinner for such a hot day!