Aura Cacia Peppermint Harvest Mineral Bath Wow! What a long week! And as much as I've done to settle in to this new apartment, I can't help but feel like there's a million more things to do. Every time I finish organizing something I see something else I should do before I sit down.

I hit a point yesterday afternoon where my back and (randomly) my left heel decided they were done. I (reluctantly) put everything down and sat down. For the first time all week I actually stopped and it all started to set in. I decided before getting overwhelmed I should probably take a bath. And so I did! I set up my iPad to stream Law and Order SVU through Netflix, filled my new soaking tub with hot water, and dumped an Aura Cacia (I guess I'm really into Aura Cacia this week, huh?) Peppermint Harvest Mineral Bath Salt pouch and hopped in. It was amazing and transformative (literally: I came out pruned). I felt a million times better and was prepared to start my next task (refolding and organizing all of the clothing in my set of drawers). I'm going to do my best this weekend to take it slow, enjoy my new home, and seek out some new vegan joints in the hood! What are you all planning for this weekend?!? I hope in includes and indulgent bath!