Sunday Night Dinner


Sundays are my lazy days.  Even though we're often on our way home from somewhere (which means packing, traveling, unpacking, etc) I just don't feel like doing too much. The thing is, often on weekends we wind up eating out a lot or eating with family which means off our normal diet.  By Sunday afternoon I'm craving something healthy and comforting.

Dinner usually consists of whatever I can make (quickly) out of what's left in the fridge, whatever I could get my hands on in the farmer's market, or if I'm really lazy Japanese or Indian delivery.

Tonight dinner was a cabbage marinara spaghetti concoction (because I'm a little obsessed with cabbage and I always have a bunch of it left over in the fridge), sauteed zucchini (which I found in the supermarket this past week and bought solely because it was organic and wanted to support the cause), and garlic and olive bread.  I managed to whip it all up in 30 min or so and it was supereasy and delicious.  I bet leftovers'll be just as good with this pasta!  Most likely I'll scarf it down cold tomorrow while Avi's napping.  Yum!

For the pasta basically saute whatever veggies make you salivate (or whatever's in your fridge) with some sea salt, garlic powder, and cayenne (if you like spice).  Simultaneously, cook your pasta according to package directions (cook whole wheat pasta of course).  Once the veggies are cooked down a bit add some canned tomato sauce (Muir Glen makes a good one).  Combine and add the cooked pasta.  Cook it together for a few minutes and serve.

For the zucchini slice it into coins and slice a half of an onion thinly.  Saute them together in olive oil with a bit of salt and garlic powder for 7-10 min until cooked through.


Here's our easy, vegan Sunday night dinner.

Avi loved her vegan Sunday night dinner!