Sleepiness, Selfies, and SoulCycle Playlists
Today I'm exhausted. Sleep has been sparse. Richie is up on and off most of the night. I have dreams that scare me some nights. Some nights I sleep beyond deeply in between being woken. Bar is up once in the middle of the night crying for me since the move every night and then again early and ready for her day. I'm back to SoulCycling doubles most days too and unpacking and moving, so physically exhausted.
I don't have much to say in the department of profound today, so here are a few things about Jonny in place of that.
- Him and I love selfies. We took a lot of them together. Silliness incarnate.
- I always made fun of him about how big his head was. In selfies it looked gargantuan next to my tiny one.
- Also his toes, they were extremely long and he never cut his toe nails! I often did a combination of yelling at him about it and laughing at him. The whole family knows.
- When I started SoulCycle training I needed a quickie learning spree on new music. I was stuck in my days of 90's grunge and hip hop. He was a wiz at new music and even wrote for a blog: Big Green Beats (they called him Yannay). About a year ago he sent me a playlist of tracks. I didn't get it. And I asked for some hip hop. He laughed at me and said: I knew you were going to ask me that. Yea. No. Ha! Since then he's taught me a lot. And I grew to understand how much was on the cusp of things. The music he's introduced me to is now some of my favorite. And lots of it is going into my SoulCycle playlists!
- He read all of my blog posts. Even the mommy ones. Even the vegan ones. He was strangely proud. I always love him for that.
- He was an amazing uncle. We joked that he put pictures of him and my baby Bar on his social media to get the girls, but really he just loved being a young uncle (apparently the girls liked him enough anyhow). Once he drove Avital home from our beach house. When she got out of the car she told Richie: Uncle Jonny let me scream the whole way home! It's okay with him cause he's a kid too.
- He thought I was the coolest. I loved being a cool big sister. Until he became cooler than me;) But really then, even more.
- He wore all of Richie's hand me downs. They were some of his favorite clothes. Richie likes to think he made Jonny trendy from preppy. It was cute seeing him rock all of Richie's old faves.
- As a little kid (and sometimes more recently), he indulged in a sandwich that consisted of ham, bologna, peanut butter, and cream cheese. Gross. Seriously gross. He loved it though. His eating habits were a point of contention for me. And a serious laughing matter they were so ridiculous.
- We called him the prince.