Shachar, Tacos, and Babies


My gorgeous friend Shachar just had her twin babies last weekend and I'm totally in love.  They are edible and she's already a superb mama.  It was a real struggle for her (as it is for so many of us) and I wanted to take a second to honor her and her journey.

Just a week or so ago I went to visit her while she waited for those babies to arrive.  We chatted adventures in baby waiting (no fun!), ate some tacos (she and her husband are owners of The Taco Truck...I wrote about them have to go try, it's UH-mazing, and they have a shop now too in Hoboken), and waited.

And now they're here!  I can't wait to mush and spoil them.

PS- don't forget to got for me in the Circle of Moms Top 25 Vegan and Vegetarian Bloggers here.