Pregnancy Week 27


  • Sooooo...I passed my glucose challenge test.  No gestational diabetes for me.  I was actually worried for a moment.  No clue why though.  I rarely eat sugar, though carbs are my love.  Whole grain ones though, duh.  Anyhoo, I passed:)
  • Oh and I hired a doula!  Love her.  Gillian Foreman of Uptown Birth.
  • Oh and finally I started some prenatal working out this week.  Late for sure, but worth it nonetheless.  I think it's helping me get through the days...  Nothing major just 20 min of cardio in every am then 20 more minutes of toning on top of that another couple days.
  • On the complaint side of things: there's this vein in my right leg that's not only gnarly, but it totally throbs!  Gross and annoying.  A bad combo.
  • And I'm getting these weird pulling sharp pains in my sides when Avi forces me into funny positions to lift her or grab something for her or hand her a snack in the car.  Risa says they're growing pains and totally safe, but it makes me nervous nonetheless.
  • Also, this baby can kick.  And it hurts!  And sometimes I twist or turn in a certain way or Avi lies on me and I swear I'm squeezing the baby in a not good way.  Freaks me out.  Risa says not to worry though, so from now on I'm not going to bother.
  • Oh and here's a sound bite of the baby's heartbeat: Love Life and Lollipops- Baby's Heartbeat 27 Weeks