Pregnancy 17 Weeks
- So I've definitely felt the baby kicking. A bunch of times. Risa tells me that it's physiologically impossible that I've felt kicks yet though. Apparently it's just gas. I'm telling you though, feels a lot like a moving baby!
- Apparently the baby is the size of an onion now. 5.1 inches. I love how my baby's gone from a blueberry to a lime to an avocado to an onion. Very relatable to a vegan I guess. I often tell Avi how delicious she is. I guess this one'll be delicious too seeing as I love my veggies.
- I'm totally a full on pregnant person at this point. I find myself waddling by 2/3p every day. Then I catch myself and I'm like: this is just ridiculous. Waddling at 17 weeks! It happens though...every day!
- Still really tired. All day long. Still waiting for that second trimester energy boost everyone keeps promising...
- On the bright side the warm weather makes everything feel a little sunnier. It didn't really phase me to badly when my babysitter decided not to show up all week or answer any of my calls or text messages. Avi and I had a blast (even though my lower back seriously paid for it).
- Oh and on Wednesday I had a prenatal appointment. Avi and I heard the heartbeat and she decided definitively it's a girl.
- Oh and on another note: Avi started potty training this week! All the more craziness in my life:)