Obsessed: Navitas Naturals Power Snacks


These vegan, raw, superfood snacks are absolutely fabulous! Last time we were at my all time favorite health food market/cafe out at the beach (Provisions), I grabbed a few new things to try out.  One of them was a bag of raw, superfood snacks made from gogi berries and cacao among other things.

I have to say, I wasn't expecting much as often at times these moments of: ooooh I need to try that end up as a major disappointment.  Generally speaking I've wasted a good $10 on something I've convinced myself I need to have and love and then can't bring myself to take more than a couple bites.

This was surely not the case with the Navitas Naturals Raw Cacao Gogi Super Food Power Snack!!! I'm obsessed.  It's not only delicious, but it honestly gives me a real burst of energy and gets me through to my next meal when I'm hungry and am trying not to binge or grab-on-the-go.  I keep a pouch in my bag to handle those hunger pangs I unavoidably get because of nursing.  It curbs that sweet thing I need to settle!

Oh and it's also superfabulous for pre or post work out!

Try it! And love it;)