Jean Hill of Concord, Mass: Taking on the Bottled Water Companies Single Handedly
Yesterday, Richie forwarded me an interesting and inspiring article from the New York Times. It featured an 82 year old activist from Concord, Massachusetts who's working on getting bottled water banned from being sold at Concord stores. While her success is still up in the air, her resolve is encouraging. And while her goal may be small, local is where we need to focus our energies. If we all did, the world would start to change in big ways!
Here she is:
To read more about her efforts check out the article here.
And let it inspire you to make some changes of your own. Maybe start by buying a thermos (as she suggests. I use these with these tops and Avi has a few of these). Get a filter on your tap or a Pur filter in your fridge to fill them with. We have this one. And if you're so inclined to do more, there are tons of charities affiliated with the water cause (charity:water for example). Or better yet, check out what's going on with your local water sources, see if there are any local groups involved in preserving local resources and the such.