Institute for Integrative Nutrition
So...I've mentioned before in passing that I've started a new school program, but I've yet to tell you all about it.
Now that classes have started and I've gotten my feet wet, I figured I'll clue you guys in on what's going on with me on the education end.
A handful of months ago I decided that I wanted to pursue a further education in holistic nutrition. So many people were asking me for help and dietary advice and as much as I was sharing, I didn't feel qualified to really sculpt a program for anyone's individual needs. With as much as I know from all the crazy reading I do, I had a good enough idea to help some friends and family along and each of them flourished (Liza for example)!
I researched a number of programs knowing that eventually I want to go back to school for my MS, this wasn't the time in my life to do that. I wanted a program that was holistic, full spectrum, and that I could do from home (seeing as I'm simultaneously rebranding my jewelry line and partnering with my friend Ari on that, trying my best to cook more that we have a fabulous kitchen, and trying to get pregnant yet again).
IIN (The Institute for Integrative Nutrition) seemed to be all those things. While it is not a degree program, it will set me up to see clients if I choose to, but more importantly, it teaches over 100 dietary theories and many of them by the forefront educator or speaker for that theory. I'll get to hear lectures by Deepak Chopra and Andrew Weil and David Wolfe. It also teaches a rounded holistic lifestyle, not just nutrition which I believe in...
All-in-all, I'm excited to get further into the guts of this thing and I'll keep you guys posted on all the goodies I learn!