Film Review: Won't Back Down


I was invited by Circle of Moms and Fox Studios to be one of forty mom bloggers to see a private screening of Won't Back Down Thursday night. It was such an honor to be picked and so, first, thank you both for including me!! And for letting me drag my aunt, Bonnie, with me!

As for the movie: it was so soooooo good! And it couldn't have come at a better time for me.

As some of you know, I'm in the process of selling my apartment in order to move specifically because of the school district we're currently zoned for. I'm so very lucky to have the opportunity to move to a better district and provide my kids with a good public school education, but I have to say, even with all the means we have, navigating the fjords of the public and charter school options in Brooklyn has been trying and a bit disheartening. The system is complex and overly complicated and not entirely geared toward equal opportunity for all children. Lotteries and zones and classes and pronciples and tenure and overcrowding and gifted & talented programs all blur the lines...

So, what I'm saying, is that this movie struck a chord. I laughed, I cried, it resonated!

Furthermore, Viola Davis and Holly Hunter were fabulous (as was the entire cast to be honest). But I have to say: I love LOVE Maggie Gyllenhaal. She was oh so amazing in this role. She made me want to be a better mom, a better person, a bigger advocate for all that my world needs. Her character was warm and strong and sexy and sassy and she smooshed her daughter the way I smoosh mine and she yelled and screamed and I loved every second of it.

Here's the trailer:

It was seriously so good. Please go see it! And let it inspire you to change your world. It certainly did for me:)

[Love Life and Lollipops aims to provide unbiased editorials. However, I wish to disclose that from time to time I may receive free products or other compensation from companies for blogger reviews.}