eve*lynn Tie Dye Dresses and Skirts
I've mentioned in passing a couple of times that once upon a time I owned and designed a clothing line. eve*lynn began as a collection of t's and tanks made from vintage t-shirts I'd scout from the 99 cent rack at The Salvation Army. It grew into a full line of contemporary women's wear: dresses, skirts, tops, the such. Everything was produced here in NYC and most of the fabrics we used (aside from the vintage t's) were excess materials from fabric stores in the Garment District. Funny that we were about as sustainable as it gets way before the market was asking for it...
One of my favorite projects and collections from eve*lynn were the specialty tie dyed maxi dresses and skirts we did. They were all hand dyed and limited edition. They're perfect for this hot summer weather, flattering for so many different body types, and super cute for day-to-night. Here are a couple that I brought to Jamaica a few months ago:
Every once in a while I see someone on the street or at the beach wearing one of my dresses. Even now four years later, I see people wearing them and it makes me smile.