
Etsy is the perfect place to find vintage and recycled goods!

Every once in a while I get sucked into the world of Etsy for an hour or two.  For those of you who don't know, Etsy is an online marketplace for all things vintage, antique, and homemade.  It's pretty fabulous, kinda like spending some time in a high end flea market, but in the comfort of your computer chair!

Here's what the Etsy About Page says:

What Is Etsy?

Our mission is to enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers.

Our vision is to build a new economy and present a better choice:

Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade.

Pretty cool, huh?

I thought I'd share a few things up on Etsy now that I wouldn't mind having around:

Vintage sweater on

Original, beautifully detailed and coloured antique chromolithograph of charming and spectacular breeds of chicken, printed in 1899.

These finds are amazing vintage frames. vintage amber bottles