Eat, Drink, and Be Mommy Event


Hi guys, my super fabulous friend Sarina is hosting an event here in NYC this friday and wanted to extend the invite to all you local mamas.  So...with no further adieu, I present to you, Sarina Appel:

I love being a mom, and embrace all that it means to be a mother to my son.  From changing hundreds of diapers and fighting the common baby colds, to cherishing the warm hugs, first words and belly laughter, I am still in awe of this miracle of life.  I have also realized that as mother, I am the CEO of the family, coordinating food, laundry, naps, schedules, trips, classes, and everything that goes along with childrearing and family. It can be stressful, overwhelming and a huge juggling act at times.

The appreciation for my own mother has grown tremendously since the beginning of this journey, along with all mothers I know and have ever known.  Including Eve Lynn Kessner.  Eve was not only one of my first friends to have a baby but also the very first close friend to birth a child with our incredible, hard-working and oftentimes, exacting midwife. Throughout my pregnancy Eve was a huge source of info, and she still provides wellness support through this blog, combined with an extensive knowledge of health, mommyhood and expert resources.

What I have come to realize during sleepless nights, marathon breastfeeding sessions and long walks in the park while pushing a stroller, is that modern motherhood is too often defined by the needs of the child rather than the needs of the mother.  As a new mom (yes, I still say "new" after 13 beautiful months of motherhood), I am always looking for safe places for Evan to play, explore and socialize.  When I happened upon the Museum of Motherhood ( following its opening this Fall, what I found was not only a safe place for Evan to toddle around, but even more importantly, a place where I could feel at ease, relax and celebrate my motherhood.  The museum is the first center for motherhood in the world (!) to allow mothers to support one another through stories, a sharing of expertise, resources, and much more.
I was excited to have found this clean, open space, filled with artwork and also babyproofed (!) for toddlers. Immediately I felt lifted by the amazing work of mothers.
I had the pleasure of meeting the awesome Founding Director, Joy Rose, at our initial visit and she provided a tour of the art installations by moms for moms, a photography exhibit that compares real world jobs with a mother's endless list of jobs, and more.  Joy has been "birthing" the idea for the museum for about four years, and finally found a location on the Upper East Side of Manhattan to house the artwork she has curated, along with the memories of mothers around the world and through time.
We have all joined this community of mothers by innately becoming a mother and/or being mothered.  A PR girl at heart and by trade, I wanted to help raise awareness for the Museum!
Enter the Eat, Drink and Be Mommy FUNdraiser on Friday, December 16 from 1p-4p.
We will be gathering at the Museum THIS FRIDAY to PRACTICE Mommy yoga (, watch the kids play safely while bonding with other mothers, EAT cookies (Sweet Lorens) and vegan-friendly treats from Candle Cafe and Spelt Bread from Orwashers Bakery, LEARN organization tips (Borganized), and even WIN some awesome Raffle prizes!
I hope you will join me at the event, or find some time to visit the Museum of Motherhood!
Sending love to ALL mothers everywhere.
Kids, LifeEve Lynn ChrustComment