Dry Goods Are Gorgeous
When we moved into this apartment, as much as I was in love with the open, newly renovated kitchen, I knew immediately we'd fill it in seconds leaving boxes and boxes of dishes, serving plates, foods, utensils, electronics without any proper place. So I decided to have some large shelves built to act as an open pantry type thing.
For a long time it was filled with our glasses and plates and some dutch ovens. But recently I decided to take my mason jar filled cabinets and empty them onto the shelves. They look great if I do say so myself. And others have said so too actually. So many people have complimented me on it. I'm loving the rainbow of beans and rice and dried fruits and how they promote natural eating and cooking to all those inquisitive minds peering over.
Some of the glass jars I bought, but most of them were from jars of foods I bought at the market, cleaned, and reused!