Brooklyn California Baby
Bath time is possibly Avital's favorite time of day. She loves to suds up, splash around, sit, stand, you name it as long as it's in the tub. We use (and LOVE) California Baby Bubble Bath. It is entirely SLS and DEA free. It is paraben and pesticide free and made from essential oils for a baby aromatherapy experience! We love the "Calming" scent and often at times depend on the "Overtired and Cranky" one. Also, the "Colds and Flu" are fabulous for tiny runny noses and coughs.
With bath time holding such a sacred place in our day, it's really important to me that she's getting what she needs out of it and with California Baby in action, it always ends with smiles on our faces!
Oh and...each bottle comes with a bubble wand inside which makes for superfun bath time extra curricular activities! It is so fun, that after Avi's first words: mama, dada, and maybe no, bye bye, came: bubble!
Have a fabulous weekend everyone! And if you can squeeze in a half hour somewhere, take a bubble bath of your own! Include some salts and oils for rejuvenating and detox. I love some Dead Sea or Celtic Salts with 10 drops of Lavender to calm and soothe and 10 drops of Arnica for muscle relaxation when I've had a tough week. Try any combination you like. Lemon is amazingly renewing and Peppermint is super cooling on a hot day.