Ben Larrabee Portraiture


A while back we had the opportunity to have a family portrait done by Ben Larrabee.  Ben and Trudie (his amazing wife) are friends of the family and as a wedding gift they offered to do a shoot for us which was superexciting!

Ben's work is part of a number of permanent collections including the MOMA, so we were thrilled at the chance to have our family shot with him!  We decided to cash in after Avi joined us and some time in her first year they came over, ate some bagels, chatted about veganism (they're fellow vegetarians!), and shot us in our natural environment;)

The shoot was fun and easy and it's always a pleasure to spend a little time with Ben and Trudie!  Just today I received an email that they'd uploaded some of our shots to their site, so I thought I'd share them with you.  Check them out here.  Scroll to the bottom and work your way up.  We're smitten with the final shots.

Thanks Ben and Trudie!!!