Balance Throughout

image via My sister-in-law, Rachel, threw her back out.  She thinks it was too much intense spin class (she's my Soul partner).

Back pain is the worst!  I am prone to getting it (thank mom!) and it's totally debilitating.

So it got me thinking, my back was pretty achy for a while since I have been spinning like crazy these days.  And because of the summer and being off schedule, I'd gotten out of the habit of regular yoga.  And you know I love me some yoga!

But there's only so much one can fit into a day, right?  NO!  Without even thinking too much into it, I fell back into the habit of morning sun salutations.  I'd wake up achy, get Avi off to school, the baby napping, and sneak in some 15-20 minutes of yoga (ok, sometimes it's only 10, but still...).

It immediately transforms me.  I feel lighter, brighter, more energetic.  Less pain, aches, tightness.

Moral of the story: I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN, since it's what I preach to all of my nutrition clients: balance!

Nothing is entirely good or bad for you.  But too much of anything can wear you down.  And without the right counterbalance, you'll fall off track!

So...balance your spin with yoga,  your vegan pizza binge with a fresh salad, too much wine with umeboshi plums, lack of sleep with a hot aromatherapeutic bath...

Take care of yourself!  So push yourself, but allow yourself to relax too, fix what needs fixing and soften where those edges get too rough;)  We can all squeeze a little self-care into our day, even if we don't think we can find the time, it's surprising where we can find it when we need it.