A New Subscribe Component On Love Life and Lollipops!
Sooooo...this is totally not a vegan post, but at least it's about this vegan blog.
Many of you (you know who you are...mom...dad...) have complained that there was no subscribe component to the site and so you couldn't remember to read the blog daily.
Here's what I've got for you: YOU'RE OUT OF EXCUSES! I guess the irony is you didn't remember to check my blog today, so I'm yelling at all you loyal readers;)
So, mom, dad, and any of you who'd like a daily dose of Love Life and Lollipops in your email box, subscribe and share and whatnot! Just click the link below my picture on the top right corner of the screen and you're in.
And while you're at it, have a fantastic weekend and please stay warm!