9 Weeks Pregnant and Counting..


image courtesy of http://theninemonthclub.com/morning-sickness-fitness-during-pregnancy/ So, I've been nervous to tell too many people and struggling with how I feel about spilling the beans about this pregnancy, but here I am, pregnant yet again this year and hoping this one sticks!

I've decided to share the news a bit earlier than planned (I was considering waiting until I was done with the first trimester which many people do and is probably a smart move).  I feel like people are afraid to talk about miscarriages and those early weeks of pregnancy for a variety of reasons, but I always felt comforted by talking to people about what they've been through and how I'm feeling.  In my first post about being pregnant the first time this year I promised no holds barred, so to that end, I've decided that sharing this story, at whatever point I'm starting at, is the right thing to do.

Sooooo..here I am, putting it out there, hoping for the best.  I've loved hearing all your stories that you've shared with me and I'm hoping this can continue the conversation in an honest and open way.  Please please comment here and let me know about your losses, pregnancies, happy stories!

Meanwhile, here's my story: I'm 9 and a half weeks pregnant and feeling awful!  Thank goodness;)  I guess I wasn't hiding it all that well with posts like this and this, oh and this.  And sorry if the posting has been a little weak recently...I've been struggling a bit to get through the days.

I'm going to dedicate this week to writing a bit about each week of pregnancy so far.  The first weeks are really tough for so many women and I know for sure I wasn't prepared.  It's always a relief to know others are going through similar situations, so I hope a bit of my "complaining" helps some of you out there;)

That said, I'm psyched to be pregnant again and am doing my best to think good thoughts and send happy vibes to this growing baby in my belly!

Ok, so here's week 9 in a nutshell:

  • I'm totally showing!  My belly feels huge!  I've gained a total of 8lbs and it feels like it's all hit me in the middle.
  • And I'm totally in maternity jeans already!
  • My nausea has subsided considerably.  It's way less consistent than it was.
  • It has though replaced itself with serious bloating and frequent trapped gas pain!
  • I want to sleep all day every day.  I literally wake up tired.
  • I feel so sad for Avi that I can't run after her the way I want to:(
  • Apparently this week the baby's vital organs have formed and are beginning to function!
  • She also is growing nails on her tiny fingers and toes.
  • (Yes I said she, because we totally want a girl, which means we're gonna of course have a boy.  I guess he'll be cute...how do you think he'll look in Avi's pink onesies?!?)